Commission Qualifying Details:

Qualify to earn 3% on all 9 levels with only 1 personally sponsored customer or rep/dealer and a $49.95 monthly product order

Qualify to earn 9% on levels 1-3 and 3% on levels 4-9 with only 3 personally sponsored customers and/or reps/dealers and a $49.95 monthly product order

Qualify to earn 9% on levels 1-6 and 3% on levels 7-9 with only 6 personally sponsored customers and/or reps/dealers and a $49.95 monthly product order

Qualify to earn 9% on all 9 levels with only 9 personally sponsored customers and/or reps/dealers and a $49.95 monthly product order

Re-entry: Ability to re-enter once your first matrix is full, thus potentially doubling your earnings!

Reach Maximum 81% PAYOUT... with a $49.95 personal monthly purchase and only 9 personally sponsored customers and/or reps/dealers.

Customer – Purchase products at retail. A customer can purchase wholesale by setting up a free account and establishing minimum product purchase of $49.95.

Representative (Rep) - A Rep can purchase products at wholesale by setting up a free account and establishing minimum product purchase of $49.95. A Rep will receive their own unique sub domain ( A Rep will receive a back office.